I liked your article.

When I was new to writing and publishing, all I could think about was getting published, published, published. That was what was going to validate me. And I capitalized on every publication through my social media, blah, blah, blah. But your MFA programs do push to get publication credits.

I joined this 100 Rejections in 365 Days FB page, and we all would celebrate our rejections, which was kind of fun. But the idea behind the group was to play a number's game and about 6 months into it, I realized it isn't a number's game. Nowadays, publishers reach out to me. I think publication is more about how your content fits with the publication. I don't just hit send a million times, because it's a waste of my time and the publishers.

But it's not only about publishing; for me it's about being heard and expressing a part of myself. I encourage writers to keep a couple of stories just for themselves. I have two stories I've been "working" on for about 20 years. I don't ever send them out. They're just mine. But it's enjoyable to go back and rewrite every year and make the story better and better...for me. No one else.

Who knows? Maybe I will hit send on those one day.

Have a good weekend!

Dawn Major


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Great article. Thank you for sharing.

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